Reliance Communications has announced the launch of the upgraded 3G Tab in the country today. Featuring faster processor, better screen resolution and video calling, the tablet will soon go on sale for Rs. 14,499.The all new Reliance 3G Tab will come with outdated Android 2.3, 1.4GHz processor, 7-inch display with 1024x600p resolution and 512MB of RAM.
The presence of Gingerbread is certainly a downside for the tablet, as market is already filled with several budget tablets with Ice Cream Sandwich on-board.
The tablet also features 3MP rear camera, front camera, and 3G support.
According to the company, it is offering free benefits worth Rs 6250 with every tablet purchase.
Consumers will get free 3GB 3G data for 3 months, 3 months Free video calling for Local and STD to Reliance 3G, Free voice rental for 12 months (Postpaid) along with free Global calling worth Rs. 250, 1 year subscription on McAfee Mobile Security, 2 months free subscription of BigFlix, and a 4GB micro SD card.
Reliance 3G Tab also comes pre-loaded with Documents To Go, BigFlix, Reliance World Online, Reliance TV, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut apps.
"Having redefined the Tab market in the country with an overwhelming response from our existing customers and in line with our endeavor to develop the device eco system, the new 3G TAB is sure to enhance customer experience on our seamless IP enabled superior 3G network bundled with exciting offers at an affordable price point," said Sanjay Behl, Group Head - Brand & Marketing, Reliance Communications Limited.
Key specs
The presence of Gingerbread is certainly a downside for the tablet, as market is already filled with several budget tablets with Ice Cream Sandwich on-board.
The tablet also features 3MP rear camera, front camera, and 3G support.
According to the company, it is offering free benefits worth Rs 6250 with every tablet purchase.
Consumers will get free 3GB 3G data for 3 months, 3 months Free video calling for Local and STD to Reliance 3G, Free voice rental for 12 months (Postpaid) along with free Global calling worth Rs. 250, 1 year subscription on McAfee Mobile Security, 2 months free subscription of BigFlix, and a 4GB micro SD card.
Reliance 3G Tab also comes pre-loaded with Documents To Go, BigFlix, Reliance World Online, Reliance TV, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut apps.
"Having redefined the Tab market in the country with an overwhelming response from our existing customers and in line with our endeavor to develop the device eco system, the new 3G TAB is sure to enhance customer experience on our seamless IP enabled superior 3G network bundled with exciting offers at an affordable price point," said Sanjay Behl, Group Head - Brand & Marketing, Reliance Communications Limited.
Key specs
- Android 2.3
- 7-inch display with 1024x600p resolution
- 1.4GHz processor
- 512MB of RAM
- 3MP rear camera
- Front camera
- 3G support